Jinjiang Zhongzhi Textile Co., Ltd.

Resumen de la información arancelaria más reciente de varios países

Feb 10, 2023

Consejo de Estado: Se impondrán aranceles de exportación a 106 artículos

El 29 de diciembre de 2022, el Departamento de Asuntos Aduaneros del Ministerio de Hacienda emitió el Anuncio de la Comisión Arancelaria del Consejo de Estado sobre el Plan de Ajuste Tarifario 2023. De acuerdo con las Regulaciones de la República Popular China sobre Tarifas de Importación y Exportación y otras disposiciones relevantes, las tarifas de importación y exportación de algunos productos básicos se ajustarán a partir del 1 de enero de 2023. China continuará imponiendo tarifas de exportación a 106 artículos, incluido el ferrocromo y aumentar los aranceles a la exportación de aluminio y algunas aleaciones de aluminio.

Estados miembros de la UE: recaudación de impuestos fronterizos sobre el carbono, entrando en el período de transición

On 13 December 2022, the Council of the European Union agreed with Members of the European Parliament on the establishment of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CEMA) to balance the carbon price of EU products operating under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) with that of imported goods.

A carbon border tax would cover industries such as cement, fertiliser, aluminium and steel. The transitional period from 2023 to 2025 will be by a full carbon tariff from 2026.

Please note that 2023-2025 is a transitional period for EU CBAM, during which importers will only undertake declaration obligations and not financial obligations. During the transition period, importers are required to report quarterly the quantity of imported products, total embodied carbon emissions, total embodied indirect emissions and the carbon price paid by the imported products in the country of origin.

From 2026, importers will need to clear a corresponding number of CBAM certificates based on the implied carbon emissions of their imports.

United States: Exemption

Tariffs were imposed on Chinese products

On 13 December 2022, the Council of the European Union agreed with Members of the European Parliament on the establishment of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CEMA) to balance the carbon price of EU products operating under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) with that of imported goods.

A carbon border tax would cover industries such as cement, fertiliser, aluminium and steel. The transitional period from 2023 to 2025 will be by a full carbon tariff from 2026.

Please note that 2023-2025 is a transitional period for EU CBAM, during which importers will only undertake declaration obligations and not financial obligations. During the transition period, importers are required to report quarterly the quantity of imported products, total embodied carbon emissions, total embodied indirect emissions and the carbon price paid by the imported products in the country of origin.

From 2026, importers will need to clear a corresponding number of CBAM certificates based on the implied carbon emissions of their imports.

UK: will propose a carbon border tax

Britain is to propose a carbon border tax on steel imports as part of a £600m aid package for the industry and to encourage companies to invest in greener technologies, the Financial Times reported on January 23. The introduction of a carbon border adjustment mechanism, similar to one agreed by the European Union last year, would force importers to bear the cost of carbon emissions from foreign steel, two people familiar with the matter said.

Indonesia: The RCEP will take effect for Indonesia

Recent statistics show that the RCEP has come into effect in 14 of the 15 members of the RCEP1.

When the RCEP goes into effect for Indonesia, China and Indonesia will implement the RCEP tariffs on each other in accordance with the commitments of the RCEP agreement. Indonesia will implement immediate zero tariffs on 65.1 percent of products originating in China, while China will implement immediate zero tariffs on 67.9 percent of products originating in Indonesia. On the basis of the China-Asean Free Trade Area, Indonesia has granted zero-tariff treatment to more than 700 additional Chinese products with tariff numbers, including some auto parts, motorcycles, televisions, clothing, shoes and plastic products. Among them, some auto parts, motorcycles, some clothing products and other products will be immediately zero-tariff from January 2, and other products will be gradually reduced to zero-tariff within a certain transition period. Under the RCEP, on the basis of the China-Asean free trade Agreement, China will further open up its market by lowering taxes on Indonesian pineapple juice and canned products, coconut juice, pepper, diesel, paper products, some chemicals and auto parts.

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